Figure Skating Store


What skating dress should you consider?

As there are different categories of skating; ice skating, snow skating, speed skating, inline skating, and figure skating to the selection on the skating dress should be made accordingly to the type. The skate dress should be accommodative to your basic and major skating needs; these requirements are comfort, convenience, warmth, heat, and air. The dress should not be too loose to wear or too tight to entangle you under its fabric. A moderately tight dress would do all goods for you when you wish to do skating on the ice.  The figure skating dress is designed for professionals only because they would be doing intricate jobs of twisting their bodies on the board, dancing in the flocks with their partners, jumping off the floor by moving their bodies. Their work needs a lot of complex movements so for this reason their outfit is designed after considering all possible requirements and comforts level so that to make it easy for these perform well in the public.

Doing skating as a passion or hobby does not bind you to buy and wear tight skating dress because your practice or skating is way more leisure driven than a source of income. You have freedom to make your own design and get it produced from an expert tailor who is used to making skating dresses for the customers. Or else you can place an order with a company, ready to design a customized skating dress, as per your desire, and to your specifications. The price of a customized skating dress would slight be higher than already designed suits the company is selling. Of course for availing the extra services of the brand you need to pay money to get something you want.

As depicted above, a skating dress should be not tight because it may be a barrier between skating and body movements. When you are not comfortable in the outfit how you would move freely and do jumping on the ice. In case you have worn a loose skating dress you may not be able to concentrate on the skating because your all time would be spent on setting the shirt or pants.   If you don’t have any design in mind or skills to make a design for yourself on your own. You can take the help of third party’s designer or have a look at the outfits sold at the online store. See what specifications and textures they have. You may get good ideas and use them in getting your skating dress designed and sewed by the tailor.

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